"Harnessing Strength, Harvesting Success: Women Entrepreneurs Embrace Mushroom Empowerment"

Our Work

Our comprehensive series of workshop based practical training programs, meticulously designed for women in rural India and marginalized communities, extend beyond skill development to instill entrepreneurship. By promoting sustainable mushroom cultivation, we offer tangible economic opportunities that provide women with a source of income while fostering environmental stewardship.

Along with the training we provide them with free in house developed mushroom growing kits, taking away the burden of financial investments for them. Our team on ground provides them with support and mentorship throughout the growth process, answering any queries and addressing any challenges they face. The process starts with identification of volunteers to enroll in our program and avail the benefits of training and free kits.

The ones who show the most promise and have the potential to groom other volunteers are promoted to become our ‘Champions’. Our dedication to women’s empowerment transcends mere economic advancement. Through the meticulous selection and support of 20 exemplary women leaders, we markedly enhance our capacity for widespread impact. Each empowered woman serves as a transformative force, amplifying positive change within her community.

We are dedicated to supporting the women farmers in our community by committing to the purchase of their entire mushroom yield. This commitment is rooted in our pursuit of transparency and a mutually profitable relationship. The buy-back initiative disrupts traditional middleman structures, ensuring a direct and transparent transactional model that empowers women farmers. By eliminating intermediaries, we provide a secure and equitable avenue for these farmers to thrive, fostering financial independence and confidence in their agricultural endeavors.

Following the acquisition, the mushrooms undergo processing in our village-based production and drying facilities. From mushroom snacks to coffee chocolate, our objective is to cultivate a wide range of innovative value-added products that would also promote mushroom consumption in the Indian market. Harnessing the multiple health benefits of mushroom to create alternative healthy snacks as well increase mushroom consumption in rural India.